Page 4 - 3D Metal Printing Spring 2016
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Spring 2016 Vol. 1, No. 1
14 Aerospace Metal 3D Printing:
Materials, Machines and Methods
Metal 3D printing has become a game changer for aerospace OEMs, by drastically reducing the time and cost to develop prototypes and tooling, and powering through the development cycle. The thrust to print metal parts has spread quickly throughout the sector.
20 Future is Sky High for AM in Aerospace
That’s the message 3D Metal Printing heard at the 3rd Additive/Aerospace Summit. Institutional and commercial buy-in has propelled additive manufacturing in the aerospace sector, but more work, such as the need for standardization and proper quality testing, is needed.
24 DesigningforAdditiveManufacturing:
Considerations for the Full Value Stream—
Part One
This two-part series condenses some of the limitless design possibilities inherent in additive manufacturing and captures advancing design strategies. Part One explores the design cycle and how pieces of that cycle interact and correlate, as well as designing for material properties and post-processing. Part Two, in the next issue of 3D Metal Printing, reviews producibility rules and guidelines, as well as topology optimization and other design-for-function opportunities.
28 Inside 3D Printing Lands in the Big Apple
4 Editorial
3D Metal Printing Catalyzing the Next Industrial Revolution
Brad Kuvin
12 Insights in Metal Printing
Pushing the Design Boundaries with Metal AM
Ian Campbell and Terry Wohlers
32 BackTalk
Industry Standards—A Train of Thought
 Louis A. Kren
6 Industry News 8 Tech Update 31 Ad Index
About the Cover
Shown undergoing testing at the MTU Aero Engines test cell in Munich, Germany, is the Pratt & Whitney PurePower PW1500G engine, sched- uled for delivery to Bombardier in 2016. The engines will be the first ever to feature entry-into- service jet-engine parts produced using 3D metal printing. Shown (inset) is a PurePower nickel gearbox bracket manufactured using direct-metal laser sintering. It’s made to mimic the convention- ally machined part, and optimized to reduce weight and volume using additive manufacturing.

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