Page 32 - 3D Metal Printing Spring 2016
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 3D Inside 3D Printing
  NYC’s Javits Convention Center hosts the Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo,
replete with numerous conference sessions and dozens of exhibitors showcasing the latest
in additive-manufacturing technology. Among the keynote speakers on the agenda is 3D Metal Printing columnist and industry consultant
Terry Wohlers, president of Wohlers Associates, Inc., whose keynote presentation
is titled: The Next Frontier in 3D Printing.
Metal Krack Kicks Off
The metal track at Inside 3D Printing kicks off on the morning of Tuesday, April 12 (from 9 to 9:45 am), when researcher Spencer Wright presents a detailed
case study showcasing the state
of the art in using lattices to
create lightweight parts
optimized for manufac-
turability. Wright is
vice president of
product at nTopolo-
gy, a company that
builds lattice-design
software for indus-
trial additive manu-
facturing. By showing
the full workflow—from
mechanical CAD through
generative design, build
preparation and manufacturing
—he will demonstrate the complexity
and opportunities available to manufac- turers when using lattice structures for part production with metal additive man- ufacturing. Attendees will leave with prac- tical knowledge of how to use lattices, and a broad understanding of how lattice design fits into and compares with other generative techniques.
Following Wright’s presentation will be a panel discussion on 3D metal printing. Panelists include Geoffrey Doyle, presi- dent, FIT West Corp. (moderator); Ric Fulop, founder and CEO, Desktop Metal; and Winthrop Sheldon, west region sales manager, SLM Solutions.
Business Intelligence
Later that morning, at 11 a.m., Rachel Gordon, a technology analyst with the global independent market-research and
The Metal Track features several of the world’s leading experts in 3D metal printing, including researcher Spencer Wright, who will present a detailed case study showcasing the state of the art in using lattices to create lightweight parts optimized for manufacturability.
business-intelligence firm IDTechEx, takes the metal-additive reins to present her firm’s recent research related to metal- additive manufacturing. She will provide an overview of new and existing tech- nologies for 3D printing in metals, includ- ing available alloys, technical require- ments of metal powders and other feedstock; the current and potential appli- cations; insights from end users; and trends in the industry including global
market forecasts. Afternoon sessions include a talk (begin- ning at 4:30) on 3D printing for aerospace applications, present- ed by Mark Walluk, mechanical design and analysis engineer at the Golisano Institute for Sustain- ability at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Walluk will dis- cuss how numerous aerospace applica- tions are benefitting from 3D metal print- ing, including the creation of prototype components that may be used in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV ). He’ll explain how material properties and design aspects are being investigated for direct metal laser sintering, in an effort to reduce volume and weight onboard the airframe. Then he will share with atten- dees work underway at RIT in material testing and in developing design-build concepts for 3D metal printing, along with results of projects focused on 3D printing
of UAV components.
The agenda features additional ses-
sions on metal printing; visit the event website regularly for updates, and for reg- istration information: www.inside3d 3DMP

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